Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cool tutorial

I personally find creating pop art very interesting. I'm a huge fan of pop art and thought that being able to create my own would be amazing. The aspect of pop art, creating something more simple while holding it's complex intentions is mind boggling to me. After reading over the tutorial, it turns out that the entire process is very easy. And it just goes to show you that sometimes the most amazing things are actually very simple. As well as you don't need something to be fancy and complex for it to be appealing to the eye.


  1. pretty neat, while I haven't ever heard of 'pop art' before, it sounds pretty neat and would make for a nice study of some more modern design types.

  2. I really like how so much can be achieved while using so little. It's clearly a banana with a shadow under it, but the picture is only made up of yellow and brown circles. Really cool!

  3. It looks really cool, it could probably be used for a logo or something of the sort. It's a really simple object that looks so artistic and creative.
